PC2 Activities

PC2 hosted the synthetic vaccine development pioneers from Colombia

PC2 hosted the synthetic vaccine development pioneers from Colombia

PC2 Scientific Services Pvt Ltd (PC2) took the lead to invite Profs. Manuel Elkin Patarroyo M (Director, Fundacion Instituto De Inmunologia De Colombia -FIDIC) and Manuel Alfonso Patarroyo (Professor, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia), who are the pioneers in the development of the synthetic vaccine research and methodology development. The former developed the first chemically synthesized vaccine (SPf66), this being the first vaccine against a parasite (Plasmodium falciparum) and the first one to be produced in a third-world country. He donated the SPf66 patent to the World Health Organization in 1995 to ensure a cheap and accessible cure for people in developing countries; the latter is working on the species Plasmodium vivax which is more predominant in India causing malaria.
PC2 took this opportunity to arrange series of meetings in Hyderabad and Delhi to provide more insights and discussions about the recent progress, challenges and outcomes in the development of chemically synthesized vaccine against malaria to our budding researchers, students and pharma & vaccine industry experts.
The two scientists shared their ideas on the recent developments in synthesizing cost-effective malaria vaccines at the School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad (May 18,2018), CR Rao Institute (May 19,2018), Hyderabad and Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi (May 21,2018).
Our main intention was to reach young scientists and industry experts who could help developing commercial vaccines at an affordable rate to avoid the fatality due to this disease in India. The interaction with the well-known scientists in the field provoked many young scientists to work effectively and contribute their work to society against the battle with many diseases where vaccines must be developed.
Their trip to India served its purpose of collaborating with research institutes and laboratories who would later work together in moving to the next steps to launch the malaria vaccines in India as well.
We (PC2) are hoping to organize many such events with international connects which would lead to a scientifically and technologically advanced and healthier India.